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Roma Connect Campaign Videos


Delve into the inspiring and challenging lives of Roma women in Hungary by watching the videos below! 🎥✨ Click to gain insight and broaden your perspective. 👇💃


SPAIN  Discover the inspiring and challenging experiences of Roma women in Spain by watching the video below! ✨ Click to learn more and broaden your understanding. 👇

The sources we have used in DKM campaign video:

  • The Resolution of 4 October 2023 on Segregation and discrimination of Roma children in education by the European Parliament. Download PDF (Spanish)
  • Pilot study on school segregation for Roma children in Spanish, made in 2022 by the Education Department of the Government of Catalonia, and the Fundación Secretariado Gitano. Download PDF (English)Download PDF (Spanish)


On International Romani Day, we’re excited to unveil our newest video on our website, highlighting the remarkable journey of Alexandra, a phenomenal Roma woman from Romania! 🌟 Tap the link to watch her inspiring story and join us in celebrating!


Collaborating closely with numerous Roma women from Greece, our Greek partners crafted this video to confront the issue of anti-Roma racism. Its primary goal is to shed light on the significant impact that such discrimination has on both individuals and communities.

What about this Campaign?

The Campaign is the heart of the Project! One of the outputs of this Project is to launch an Antigypsyism Campaign on the national level, in all four countries of the consortium, and on the European level. It is the Roma women themselves that will be discussing, creating, and deciding the content of the campaign, with the support and help of professionals and staff of the organisations, to be able to reach the biggest impact possible.

So how will we do this?

During the first months of the Project, we have been building trust and mutual confidence between the Roma women from all four countries. Slowly but surely we are establishing a solid Network Group where valuable information and experiences are being shared.

The women, from diverse backgrounds, age groups and profiles, have been taken their time to work on the national level within their organsiations. Additionaly they have had the opportunity to get to know the Roma women from the other countries through online trainings and online network meetings. Some have also had the opportunity to meet each other in Budapest, during the second transnational Project meeting in October 2023.